The superb event will take place alongside the first in a series of six of stellar in-person events. Taking place in February 2025, the Future Of Cyber Security Conference will be a closed-door, invite-only conference featuring hand-picked senior executives from major UK firms. The Conference will be even more targeted than before, with exclusive speakers addressing urgent topics across multiple vertical industries. T
he conference will feature eight key talks, and a live Q&A with speakers at the end of each session.
The event is aimed at board level executives and senior IT decision-makers from government and industries including critical infrastructure, retail, healthcare and financial services.
The Future Of Cyber Security Conference aims to help businesses to stay one step ahead of attackers through a number of insightful sessions not available at any other security conference.
In just one day, the event will provide essential intelligence that enables senior personnel to keep their business secure as the attack surface expands amid COVID-19 and beyond.
Covering the growing threat from ransomware, DDoS, the Russia threat, and BYOD in the morning and topics including supply chain security, Inside the UK’s National Cyber Force, Manchester’s wide range of cyber talent and the end of the password in the afternoon, the conference covers today's cyber security trends and threats across Europe – as well as those of the future – equipping delegates with the strategies, tools and technology needed to cope in an increasingly complex landscape.
It follows the huge success of our physical events in London, which have been running for over 20 years. Now Hybrid, this educational one-day exclusive conference brings senior decision-makers face to face with leading cyber security specialists. Covering the strategic needs of all enterprises, the conference provides delegates with a unique opportunity to learn from thought leaders in the field and gain new knowledge and skills to manage the latest technology.
In addition to extensive peer-to-peer networking opportunities, The Future of Cyber Security 2025 also facilitates direct access between senior decision-makers and leading suppliers of cyber security products and services.
Throughout the day, delegates will have exclusive access to the latest cyber security innovations, covering a range of focused themes such as: